
In-person and online services in Tampa, Florida. 

 “The healing journey comes with some hurdles and takes time but the reward is so sweet.”

Maggie Rich, RIMHC

When It Feels Like Too Much

Trauma can feel like a shadow that's always lurking

It's there in the aftermath of sexual trauma, the painful memories of sex trafficking, the scars of childhood abuse, and the haunting experience of an accident that runs on replay in your head. 

These aren't just stories; they're realities that can make every day feel like an uphill battle. 

It's about dealing with those moments that have left deep marks, and sometimes, it feels like they're dictating your whole life.

Turning Points

Through trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) we begin to untangle those complex, hard thoughts. 

It's about decreasing the hold they have on you, understanding how they influence your pain and replacing self-deprecating thoughts with healthier ones.

Imagine feeling relief instead of constant self-blame, feeling safe in public spaces, interacting with other humans without the weight of anxiety, and finally feeling comfortable in your own skin.

It's about taking those brave steps, like driving to therapy after relying on video sessions following an accident. Progress is there, waiting.

You Don’t Have to Do This Alone

Why choose this therapist?

Why us for your trauma journey? 

Because I know the terrain and I've got the tools. 

  • CBT helps people facing trauma by changing how they think about it and reducing their fear of reminders.

  • CPT assists those with PTSD to rethink and change troubling thoughts about their trauma, making it easier to deal with.

I'm here to walk with you through the dark spots, offering more than textbook strategies – real, empathetic, and tailored support

We'll tackle those tough thoughts together, building a path toward a place where you feel more in control, more like yourself.

 Who this type of therapy is for:

  • Individuals grappling with the aftermath of sexual trauma.

  • Survivors of sex trafficking seeking to rebuild their sense of self.

  • Anyone dealing with the long-lasting effects of childhood abuse.

  • Those who have experienced traumatic accidents or events.

  • People who are ready to take back their narrative from any form of trauma.

Meet the Clinicians

If you're looking for a space to tackle grief – with real talk, a touch of humor, and lots of understanding – let's chat.